You’re not alone, healing is possible
“Meeting other survivors has shown me that I am not alone at all, and I can be me to the fullest extent. I don’t need to hide or pretend anymore.”
“I always felt very alone in the world. Hiding a secret shame that I couldn’t escape no matter how hard I tried. Depression, anxiety, shame and guilt ruled my life. I made so many bad choices in my effort to escape those emotions. One day I decided enough was enough and I reached out for some help. The Road Forward welcomed me and for the first time in my life I began to feel truly understood.
Through one on one peer support, group peer support meetings, topic focused group meetings and counselling I have been able to understand so much about myself and why my life has been so self destructive. Meeting other survivors has shown me that I am not alone at all and I can be me to the fullest extent. I don’t need to hide or pretend anymore. Thanks to The Road Forward for helping me build a better life for myself.”
- AB
“It wasn’t until I stood to lose everything, that I went into recovery for my addictions.”
“The abuse I suffered as a child consumed me and controlled every aspect of my life. I struggled to survive, addictions took over - drugs, alcohol and sex.
My lifestyle hurt those that loved me the most, I was self-absorbed and only saw the negative in life. It was only until I stood to lose everything, that I went into recovery for my addictions.
I now realise that I am a survivor and sharing my story has lifted the heaviness, guilt and shame from my heart. I am grateful for Richard Brewer and helping me to find the real me.”
- TS
“I feel that The Road Forward is the safe haven that men are looking for.”
“The Road Forward was like a breath of fresh air to me. Someone to listen to what I was feeling. (my moods, low dark feelings, and that I am not good enough for anything).
The first couple of one-on-one meetings really turned on the light. That I wasn’t alone in feeling the way I feel. When I started to attend support group meetings, that was when I started feeling less alone about what happened to me. The warm friendly, supportive atmosphere that I feel when there is very healing, and really helped with my relationship with wife and family.
I am so happy to have made contact with The Road Forward family. I feel that The Road Forward is the safe haven that men are looking for. The people now who run The Road Forward are very caring and very professional in everything they do. Long may it continue.”
- KS
“I saw an ad for The Road Forward. I rang Richard and we went from there. I’ve stopped drinking, stopped crying, and stopped feeling worthless.”
“Being abused as a child turned me into a drunk, violent, abusive man. I never dealt with it properly or asked for help. It was normal behaviour as far as I was concerned.
I hit the wall hard, fathers day weekend 2021, suicidal, crying, feeling worthless. Scrolling through facebook, boom, I saw an ad for The Road Forward. I rang Richard and we went from there.
I’ve stopped drinking, stopped crying, and stopped feeling worthless. My sessions with Richard, I look forward to each week. He listens. Nobody ever did. He doesn’t judge. He offers his opinion, but the most important aspect to me is there was help when I need it most.”
- JB